This post contains affiliate links and I’ll earn a percentage of the sale if you purchase through them, at no extra cost to you. All opinions are my own & I never promote anything I don’t believe in.

If you’re attending Oktoberfest for the first time, there’s no doubt where to buy lederhosen and/or dirndls is at the forefront of your mind. (As it should be!) Lucky for you, there are a number of places you can purchase these in Munich when you get there, or online ahead of time.

Finding the perfect outfit for Oktoberfest makes this incredible experience so much more fun – so let’s get you dressed!

So many great outfits!

Lederhosen, dirndls, or trachten?

But first, before we can get to the topic of where to buy Oktoberfest outfits, we need to clear up what it is we’re looking for. If you’re new to the Oktoberfest world, be sure to know these key terms:

Lederhosen – Traditional Bavarian outfits typically worn by men. “Lederhosen” technically refers to the leather pants, but the term is used generally to refer to the whole outfit: a pair of leather shorts with suspenders, a white or checked button-up shirt, the wool calf warmer socks, and traditional loafer-like shoes.

Dirndl – The traditional Bavarian dress typically worn by women (and frat guys who think they’re hilarious). A “dirndl” consists of a dress, a white blouse, and an apron.

See my post on the best Oktoberfest shoes for both men and women to wear with their trachten.

In my dirndl at the Löwenbräu tent

Trachten – A term used to refer to these traditional Bavarian outfits in general. Trachten can refer to both lederhosen and dirndls together. Like if a woman said to a man, “Let’s go shopping for trachten when we get to Munich!” In other words, trachten = Oktoberfest outfits.

Ladyhosen – Lederhosen worn by women. These are a modern invention, not a traditional practice, but are generally accepted as OK at Oktoberfest. They resemble traditional lederhosen but are typically much shorter and sometimes come in non-traditional colors.

But do you HAVE to dress up for Oktoberfest? All your related questions are answered in that link!

Wearing my H&M dirndl as I try to bake Bavarian pretzels

Oktoberfest outfits: Should you buy online or in Munich?

Before we can get to where to buy outfits for Oktoberfest, there’s a crucial question we must answer. When deciding where to buy lederhosen and/or dirndls, you must first weigh buying them online versus buying them in Munich. And there are pros and cons to both, of course.

First you’ll need to decide what means the most to you. Is it your budget? Is it the quality of items? Perhaps fit or design is your priority? Or is it your time? Read on to find out where you should buy your Oktoberfest outfits for each case.

Read also: Oktoberfest for Non-Beer Drinkers: 15 Important Things You Need to Know (That Most People Don’t!)

So many dirndls, so little suitcase space

Why you should buy your trachten in Munich

Buying your lederhosen and/or dirndls in Munich is a great idea for many reasons. But, of course, it also comes with its challenges. Weigh your options here before deciding where to buy lederhosen and dirndls.

Trachten makes a great souvenir

I bought my first dirndl on my first trip to Munich back in 2012. I visited in May, so not even during Oktoberfest season, but I sensed it would be something I’d wear over and over again. (Huge understatement.) It was a lot of fun wearing it to Oktoberfests here in the U.S. and bragging that my dirndl was from Munich when people asked me about it.

Buying your dirndl in Munich makes it, unlike some of the cleavage you’ll see at the ‘fest, the real deal and the best Oktoberfest souvenir euros can buy.

In my newest dirndl from Dirndl Truhe in Munich

You get to try it before you buy it

If you have a hard time finding clothes that fit the way you want, you may want to try on some dirndls/lederhosen before you buy them. Not everyone fits neatly into standard sizes, and you may not even know how European sizes will fit you.

And if this is your first time shopping for trachten, you may require the assistance of a salesperson who knows nothing of modesty. This way, you’ll leave with a piece that fits exactly like you want it to so you can chug your liters in comfort.  

There are so many different styles and lengths of dirndls now, you may not know if you’ll even like a particular style without trying it on. And since dirndls aren’t cheap, you’ll know you’re purchasing a piece you won’t regret.

Read also: 26+ Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Oktoberfest (But Definitely Should!)

Great Oktoberfest outfits everywhere

And the same goes for lederhosen. Chances are these won’t fit like the pants you’re used to wearing so it’s best to try them on before you commit. I’m guessing it’s not every day you go out drinking in leather pants… but I don’t really know you that well, do I?

Let’s just say, a woman can pretty much get away wearing a dress that’s a little too tight… but a man squeezing into a too-small pair of unforgiving leather shorts won’t be so pretty.

Probably no scams

Yes, unfortunately, dirndl and lederhosen scams exist. Many people report buying online (from the wrong retailers) and getting totally ripped off. If you buy from a legit shop in Munich, chances are pretty damn high this won’t happen to you.

You’ll be able to see, feel, and try on the pieces you’re buying so you know exactly what it is you’re getting. No bait and switch. No getting stuck with a piece of crap that’s 16 sizes too big or small.

Also read: What NOT to do at Oktoberfest – 19 Truly Embarrassing Mistakes to Avoid This Year

At the Cannstatter Volksfest in Stuttgart

Why you should not buy your trachten in Munich

However, a great souvenir that fits beautifully also comes with some potential downsides. Keep these in mind when deciding where to buy your lederhosen and dirndls this year…

It’s potentially much more expensive

In Munich, during Oktoberfest, you can expect to pay a lot more for your dirndls and lederhosen than you might online. This is due to a variety of factors:

  • Supply and demand, duh. Limited supply + huge demand = $$$$$
  • Better quality. If you buy from a great local shop, you’ll get great quality items. However, you could still end up paying a ton for some cheap crap too, because supply and demand.

Also check out: Everything you need to know about bringing a purse to Oktoberfest

It’s easy to dress for Oktoberfest

Supply is limited

Availability of good lederhosen and dirndls during Oktoberfest is finite. There are only so many of each item, each size, each design, etc. available in these shops at this time. And the later in the festival you go, the less chance you have of finding something perfect.

You may have a hard time finding something in your size, or in the colors you like, or that fits nicely into your budget. If you wait until you get to Munich to buy your Oktoberfest outfits, you’ll be at the mercy of whichever styles and sizes a particular retailer keeps stocked.

Also read: 49+ Super Detailed Oktoberfest Tips from an Oktoberfest Tour Guide (that’s me!) and where to find the best views at Oktoberfest.

You could waste lots of time

Though shopping for trachten in Munich can be a fun experience, it can also be a major time-suck. If you don’t immediately find a dirndl that you like that also fits well, you could find yourself going from shop to shop to shop to find something acceptable.

That whole process eats up priceless vacation time when you could be eating amazing food or touring palaces or, I dunno, drinking beer. [See all the awesome things to do in Munich here.]

Pro tip: Dirndl shops (and everything else) in Munich are closed on Sundays. Always. Plan ahead if you’ll be there on a Sunday.

Items cannot be altered

If you buy your dirndls/lederhosen in Munich, you’ll have to wear them as-is since there won’t be any time for alterations. You’ll just have to wear what you’ve purchased, whether it’s tight in the crotch or not.

(Many Munich shops do have a tailor on site, but you’ll still have to wait for your items to get done, especially if there’s a wait.)

My Trachten Rausch dirndl

Tips for buying your Oktoberfest outfits in Munich

If you’ve decided that you do want to buy your dirndls and/or lederhosen in Munich, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Sometimes the criss-crossy ribbon (is there a fashion term for this?) is not actually on the dirndl when you buy it. It’s included in the price, just don’t forget to grab one before you leave the store.

If you attend Oktoberfest towards the end of the festival, you can get some wunderbar deals on dirndls around the Theresienwiese. Red stickers for days!

Make sure you take the bra you plan to wear with your dirndl when trying on dirndls. What fits an A-cup at the store won’t fit a D-cup once the Victoria’s Secret Bombshell gets involved. It’s simple arithmetit, folks.

Dirndls for sale at the Galeria department store

Where to buy lederhosen and dirndls in Munich

Below is a list of my personal favorite places to buy dirndls (and lederhosen) in Munich plus a few others that have been recommended to me at which I look forward to spending way too much money this year.


Almwelt (which translates to Alpine World) is a dirndl and lederhosen retailer in Munich’s Old Town. This shop has decently-priced dirndls and lederhosen (for both men and women) as well as all the other necessary attire and accessories. Address: Tal 39

One of my Angermaier dirndls

Angermaier Trachten

Angermaier is a popular trachten store selling both dirndls and lederhosen and one of my favorites. They have a large selection of both to fit a range of budgets. They have two convenient locations in Munich:

  • Their headquarters on Landsbergerstraße 101-103 (20-minute walk from Oktoberfest)
  • Their city center location at Rosenthal 10 (at the Viktualienmarkt)
Dirndls at Daller

Daller Tracht

Daller Tract is one of my newest favorites. They have a large collection of dirndls and lederhosen as well as a large collection of dirndl blouses, shoes, and accessories too. I love the super friendly staff here! Address: Schleißheimer Str. 6 – 10


Another of my new favorites is Dirndl-Truhe (which translates to “Dirndl Chest” – I see what you did there). This is a smaller shop but another with a lovely staff that’s quick to help you find something awesome. Great prices, beautiful options. Address: Lindwurmstraße 15

woman in lace shirt holding a large beer under a red and white striped tent
My Dirndl-Truhe dirndl

Galeria Kaufhof

Galeria Kaufhof is a German department store also near the Marienplatz. Could buying your trachten be any simpler? Not to mention your bath towels and spatulas aren’t that far away either. Address: Kaufingerstraße 1-5


Yes, you can buy dirndls and ladyhosen at H&M in Munich. In fact, there’s a new shopping center just outside the main entrance to Oktoberfest – the Forum Schwanthalerhöhe.

Great quality dirndls for low prices. At the end of Oktoberfest 2019 they marked them all down to 10€ a piece. I bought one of each. (Full disclosure: H&M has not sold dirndls since then, so I’m not sure if/when they will bring them back. But I’m leaving this option here for now just in case.)

In an H&M dirndl

Entrance to the Leder Fischer store in Munich

Leder Fischer

Leder Fischer is another clothing store in Munich near the Marienplatz where you can find dirndls, blouses, lederhosen, and more at pretty great prices. Address: Neuhauserstraße 47

Loden Frey

Loden Frey is pretty much the gold standard when it comes to traditional Bavarian clothing. If you ever wanted to spend way too much on a fancy-pants dirndl, this is where you go. Address: Maffeistraße 7-9

Dirndl shops galore

Trachten Rausch

You’ll find great quality (but not overly expensive) dirndls and lederhosen at Trachten Rausch. Their main shop is just a short walk from the Wiesn, but you’ll find their pop-ups around town during Oktoberfest too. Address: Ruppertstraße 32

A Trachten Rausch pop-up shop, German sold separately.

Miscellaneous other places around Munich

The great thing to keep in mind when deciding where to buy lederhosen and dirndls in Munich is that you can find them for sale just about anywhere. I mean it, you can’t swing a schnitzel without hitting a trachten shop during Oktoberfest.

You’ll find trachten pop-up shops all. over. town. during this time. They’ll be in the train station, possibly in your hotel lobby, and all the way from the Hauptbahnhof to the Wiesn and beyond.

And while this is good to know, be prepared for lower quality items that are marked up way beyond their actual value. I mean, you’re buying clothing at a kiosk in the train station, what do you expect? But if that really doesn’t matter to you, by all means! You do you, above all else.

That being said, if all that matters to you is finding something to wear to Oktoberfest, then you can certainly take everyone’s generic advice of: “You’ll be able to find something in Munich, no problem!”

Dirndl pop-up shop in the lobby of Le Meridien hotel
Dirndl shop in the Munich train station – literally has Schmuck in the name
OK but please don’t buy your trachten from a place called “Tourist International Souvenir-Service”
Dirndls at the pop-up secondhand shop at Forum Schwanthalerhöhe

Why you should buy your trachten online

Despite all the good reasons for buying your dirndls and lederhosen when you get to Munich, there are just as many great reasons to buy them online before your trip. For instance…

You’ll find better deals online

If keeping a budget is important to you, perhaps you’d prefer to buy your dirndls and lederhosen online ahead of time. There won’t be the same supply/demand markup (aka tourist ripoff) that you’ll find in many shops around Munich.

You’ll be able to compare prices at tons of shops, browse sales, and even take advantage of coupon codes to save some extra cash.

My latest from Rare Dirndl

You’ll have time for alterations

Buying your dirndl/lederhosen before your trip you’ll be able to purchase as ahead of time as possible. This means, if what you buy doesn’t fit perfectly, you’ll have plenty of time to get them altered. Personally, I almost always have to have the skirt taken up and the bust taken in. Small boobs, big dreams, I always say. You’ll also have time to DIY some fun dirndl upgrades or add pockets.

This way, you’ll be able to party at Oktoberfest in a dirndl/lederhosen you love that fits comfortably. One less thing to worry about! (I wish I could say the same about not falling off the benches.)

Read also: 12 Easy Ways to Upgrade a Cheap Dirndl: Simple Oktoberfest Outfit Hacks

One of my first dirndls

Bigger selection to choose from

Buying your trachten ahead of time, you’ll have an entire internet’s worth of designs, colors, sizes, and budgets to choose from. You won’t be tied to one store’s small selection when you have the world wide web at your fingertips.

Want a purple dirndl with yellow apron? Sure. How about a leopard print one? No problem! You can find just about anything you want.

No wasted time

Having a dirndl as soon as you arrive in Munich means you won’t have to waste precious drinking time going from store to store, sweating in borrowed wool in a communal dressing room with no doors.

If you only have, say, 3 days in Munich as it is, you don’t want to waste any time at all. Get all your dirndl/lederhosen shopping done before you get here.

Big Elsa vibes here

Peace of mind

Perhaps you’d love to buy your dirndl in Munich, but you also want to arrive there knowing you’ll have something to wear to Oktoberfest. I totally get that. No matter how much everyone says, “You’ll be able to find something in Munich, no problem!’” you still want to make damn sure.

For this reason, I always advise to pick something up online at least as a backup. Then go shop for something in Munich if you have time. But if not, you’ll at least have something to wear.

Why you should not buy your trachten online

However, there are always reasons that shopping online may not be for you. Here’s why…

Possibly lower quality

Depending on where you purchase your lederhosen/dirndls, there’s a chance the quality could be, ehh, less than stellar. Especially when you ignore all my advice and buy a one-piece dirndl that comes in a bag.

The traditional Hofbräu look

Despite how some of these items look in photos, you’ll never actually know the quality of the item until you see/feel/wear it in person. Is it scratchy? Or thin? Is it just overall paper-bag-ish? So many times people buy something that looks decent online, only to find they’ve paid way too much for a piece of sh*t they’re now stuck with.

Even if you don’t need the highest quality dirndl, you also don’t want to wear what I can only assume used to be someone’s paper tablecloth. It happens. And when you wear a cheap quality dirndl to Oktoberfest, EVERYONE NOTICES.

Who wore it best?

There’s a good chance that if you buy your dirndl online, you’ll be one of many at Oktoberfest wearing that exact same getup. And while this doesn’t really matter in the overall scheme of things, it could be awkward.

Munich’s main train station during Oktoberfest

Potential for scams

I already mentioned that lederhosen and dirndl scams abound. You have to make sure you purchase your trachten from a reputable online retailer. The problem here is determining who is reputable and who is just trying to hijack your beer money.

For that, head over to my post on Oktoberfest scams to see how you can determine a good trachten retailer from a bad one.  

Tips for buying dirndls and lederhosen online

Yes, there are certain things you NEED to know before you buy trachten online, and not just related to where to buy lederhosen and dirndls for Oktoberfest. Crucial things like size charts, what you need to buy, how you need to measure, and more.

I have a whole post on that too – which you should check out here: What you need to know before purchasing a dirndl online.

Great traditional outfits at the Oide Wiesn

Where to buy lederhosen and dirndls online

As you can imagine, there are countless online trachten shops. The issue here is determining which shops are legit and which ones will leave you with buyer’s remorse out the wazoo. The following is a list of places I personally have used plus a few more others have suggested to me.


Yes, you can find decent lederhosen and dirndls on Amazon if you know how to shop for them. (And what to avoid at all costs!) The key here is to stick to the ones that look the most authentic, and try not to go all budget-crazy and just buy whatever is cheapest. Above all else, DO NOT BUY AN “OKTOBERFEST COSTUME.”

For instance, here are a few great dirndls available on Amazon:

Now, see the difference between the dirndls listed above and something like this, an “Oktoberfest costume?” Shopping for trachten on Amazon is fine, just stay away from anything remotely resembling that atrocity.

Get in the Oktoberfest mood – check out my free Spotify Oktoberfest playlist here!

My Rare Dirndl earning me prize money!

Rare Dirndl

At Rare Dirndl you’ll find super high quality dirndls of all colors, designs, shapes, and sizes. I have a handful of these already and can’t recommend them enough! These dirndls are made right here in the U.S. and they offer free shipping and free returns. I’m a fan. Here are a few of my favorites right now:

Also, you can use my exclusive promo code to get 10% off your first purchase at! Click that link and enter promo code MYWANDERLUSTYLIFE at checkout.

In the Festzelt Tradition

Krüger Dirndl

Krueger is a leading name in dirndl design and you can actually find their dirndls at shops all over the place. But for our purposes, they also have their own online shop. I personally have not ordered from here, but I have friends in Europe who have recommended them.

Krueger has some truly beautiful dirndls and lederhosen for both men and women. The only downside is that they only ship to other European countries. But the upside is that shipping is fast and free so let your Euro friends know to look out for your packages soon. (You can find Krueger dirndls at most of the Munich retailers mentioned above so if you see something you like online, you might be able to find it in person when you get there.)


I personally don’t have any experience buying dirndls on Poshmark, but I know a lot of people who use it and many of them have bought great looking dirndls from there. (I have sold several of my dirndls on here though!) This is such a good way to find quality authentic dirndls that just need a good home.

My custom Rare Dirndl


Similarly, Etsy is another great place to find new and used dirndls and lederhosen. Just note that you’ll need to pay attention to the details. For instance, some of these ship from Germany and may not arrive before you leave for your trip.

Ludwig & Therese

Ludwig & Therese is a high quality dirndl and lederhosen online shop. If you’re like me and have a wishlist from here a mile long, know that they do ship all around the world.

Look, this is not an endorsement for I personally have no experience with this site but there are a few things I want to address.

Many people say they’ve purchased from and everything was great. Just as many others have said they feel totally screwed by These reports include getting the wrong items, getting the wrong sizes (by a mile), getting cheap crap, and not being able to return any of it so they’re stuck with it and out a bunch of money.

Plus,’s rating on Trust Pilot is not great. In fact, it’s actually “Poor.” Personally, that’s not a risk I’m willing to take when there are many other online retailers that don’t have such a sketchy track record. Order from at your own risk, s’all I’m saying.

The same goes for similar retailers like (which I talk more about in my post on Oktoberfest scams) and whose poorly photoshopped main homepage image should be enough to deter you. Yikes. Use these sites as your starting point for learning how to sniff out bogus trachten retailers.

My Rare Dirndl “Everyday Dirndl”

Where to buy lederhosen and dirndls in North America

Besides the Munich shops and the various online trachten shops, there are a few places around the U.S. at which you can buy lederhosen and dirndls in person. I don’t have personal experience with these, but they have been recommend to me by others who have shopped there. As always, if you know of a place I should know about, let me know!

H&M at Oktoberfest time

Can you rent outfits for Oktoberfest?

Many people attending Oktoberfest for the first (and probably only) time often ask about renting a dirndl/lederhosen while in Munich. This makes sense if you think you’ll never wear it again. (Spoiler alert: you will wear it again!)

Yes, there are places in Munich from which you can rent dirndls/lederhosen to wear at Oktoberfest. However, consider this:

The cost to rent trachten in Munich is not super cheap and often you can buy dirndls/lederhosen for the same price. Plus, you’ll be stuck with whatever the place has in stock which may not be ideal.

Also, eww. I personally would not want to wear a dirndl (or especially lederhosen!) that someone else has worn to the world’s largest beer festival and danced (ahem, sweat) all day and night in. Even if it meant I could save a few bucks.

They’re typically per-day rentals, which means unless you want to get charged for additional days, you’ll have to make sure you return it promptly the next morning. This could be a problem for the hungover.

groups of girls at oktoberfest all wearing oktoberfest clothing
Dirndls in the Schottenhamel

There are so many Oktoberfest-ivals in the U.S. (and elsewhere) that chances are you’ll definitely wear it again. What if you get invited to an Oktoberfest-themed party back home and have nothing to wear? Even though you’ve been to Oktoberfest in Munich? Embarrassing.

Oktoberfest in Munich isn’t a cheap event to attend so chances are if you’re here, you’re probably not completely strapped for cash. Go ahead and spring for the new trachten, or simply buy a less expensive set for the same price as renting one.

OK actually this place is frighteningly cheap

Where to rent trachten in Munich

That being said, I know there are still many perfectly understandable reasons you may want to rent your lederhosen or dirndl in Munich rather than buy.

They do take up a lot of space in your luggage and if you’re traveling light on a longer trip, this is a big deal. Also, there’s always environmental and fast fashion concerns, to name a few. If these apply to you, here are a few places I’ve found where you can rent trachten in Munich for Oktoberfest.

(Note: I don’t have personal experience with any of these. If you go this route, please let me know your experience so I can help others like you!)

More info for your trip to Germany

Have you decided where to buy lederhosen and dirndls this year? Let me know in the comments below! Have fun at Oktoberfest!

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  1. Jim Gruler says:

    Ashley, first of all great post, tons of great information.
    My family and I leave for Munich in two weeks and we still need to get our trachten.
    We are staying right across from the main trains station and were planning on purchasing when we get there. Should I be concerned about availability?
    I was planning on visiting two or three of your recommended stores.
    We have 2 women and 3 men.

    Thanks for any info.


    1. Hi Jim! And thank you so much! Nope, you won’t have any problem with availability! These are year-round trachten shops that are consistently stocked with inventory, and probably even more so during volksfest season. 🙂

  2. Hi Ashley, great article. We live in Mt. Angel, OR USA. Home of the Mt. Angel Oktoberfest that draws over 300,000 guests each September. My wife and I own Touch of Bavaria here in Mt. Angel. We import Lederhosen, Dirndls and accessories from Germany and sell in our store here in town.
    All the best from Mt. Angel.
    Scott and Kristi

    1. Hi Scott – thanks for letting me know! I’ve checked you out and love your site – I’ve added you to the list. 🙂 Prost!