We’re all on a time budget. Let me help you make the most of yours.

Hi, I’m Ashley, the traveler behind this travel blog. I currently live in Boston, MA but I’m originally from Memphis, TN. I took my first international trip in 2007 (to Venezuela of all places) and was immediately hooked. I’ve traveled abroad consistently ever since – to 40 countries and counting.
I started My Wanderlusty Life in 2014 as a desperately needed creative outlet at a mind-numbing desk job. I began blogging full time two years later after a lifetime of (mostly hilarious) jobs you wouldn’t believe if I told you.
I have a master’s degree in World War II Studies and, in 2019, started a second travel blog focused on encouraging and helping travelers visit WWII destinations around the world. History geeks, check it out here: Destination: WWII.
the history of my wanderlusty life
One fateful day way back in 2014 I declared, “I think I’ll start a blog?” OK, maybe more of a question than a declaration. I knew I wanted to write, but about what? “I know! I can write about all the place I travel to. I bet that’s never been done before!” I am so brilliant.
So yes, I started a travel blog, one based around the absolute dire need to travel the world and doing so when limited to a time-budget.
What I mean is, when I started this blog I had a full-time job and only TEN vacation days EACH YEAR. (Pathetic, I know. Do better America.) But I liked my paycheck and my health insurance. I didn’t want to “sell all my belongings and set off on a journey through Southeast Asia.” That’s not me.
I own a house, and a car. I’m happily married and have two giant cats. I’m in a bowling league. Traveling the world may be the train on my one-track mind, but I love coming home too.
I didn’t have nearly enough vacation time as I would have liked, but I made it work. That year alone I visited 7 countries and 20 US states. I hiked the Swiss Alps, rode a gondola in Venice and tiny horses in Iceland, and chugged beer at Oktoberfest.
Traveling the world on a “time budget”? It can be done! I created My Wanderlusty Life to inspire you to travel more even when you think you can’t swing it.
Join me as I attempt to erase the notion of “too little time” from your mindset through jam-packed and easy-to-follow itineraries, time-saving packing guides, and expert travel advice for *real* people like you.
Thanks for stopping by. I’m so glad you’re here!
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Some of my favorite travel experiences
Some of my least favorite travel experiences
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